Xabi Pombo, Beatmaker, Mc, Artist and Sound Engineer
Making and loving music since 1999 from Vitoria-Gasteiz
Xabi Pombo (a.k.a. Anima X Beats) is a musical producer and mc, born in Vitoria-Gasteiz, who has been part of the basque hip hop scene for the last 2 decades. He began in metal, between drums, basses, guitars and amplifiers. Some years later, he started his incursion in urban music, he learns Hip Hop culture with Gon (Stilopropio) and then he meets Iona and DeJotaeNe, with whom he starts a new adventure in 2004: Fuera De Lugar, a new band where he gives the first steps in mixing and musical production. “En otro mundo” (2005) and “Ánima” (2008) were their two works together. The last one also gives name to the music studio where the local scene artists’ work sees light: Anima Studios VI, and the Anima X Beats brand. eFeDeLe had a trajectory of shows in Vitoria-Gasteiz and north-Spain, being supporting artists of great bands like The Coup, Narco, El Chojin, Hablando en Plata or Green Valley.
After completing his grade as an audiovisual producer, Xabi built his own path in music, with other three self-produced records: Control Absoluto (2006), Ahora o Nunca (2010) and Xtracks (2015), a mixtape distributed in four parts mixed by four well known djs of the Euskadi hip hop scene: Dj Nead, Dj Canyn, Dj Loro and DeJotaNe. “Ahí fuera” is the second videoclip from “Xtracks Mixtape” with Maze in the chorus.
From this moment, All eXhited joins as dj in the live performances. Tired of the routine, he decides that is time to write over others´ music and starts “cuatrocadaveinticuatro” a project where he writes and publishes one shot every day over different beats. Immediate inspiration.
Like a producer in Anima Studios VI, his music has inspired and been used by artists like Kloy, Kodigo Norte, Fox (Autodidaktas), Res, Markes, Iona, Bawer, DanielBum, Pacazo, Yabo, The Gouss, Dada Flow, Tequila Collins, Puño y Letra, Conexion Directa and much others over the decade. The time he invested learning about sound arts has make him in charge of mixing and mastering works of bands like Mike L & Javi D, Kodigo Norte, Kloy, Bawer, Indarrap, Melophilia, Chalo VG, Mouad. All this makes Xabi Pombo an essential name in the past, present and future of the urban music scene of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
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